Monday, July 02, 2012

Information or Disinformation

Today when watching parliament meeting I was shocked to hear one member claiming to know who were behind abduction and torture committed against Dr. Steven Ulimboka. This member of parliament who happen to hold one government post, says that even them then can say anything so opposition should keep silent.

Problem here was not saying anything rather saying the truth. Wishful thinking wont take us anywhere only to be haunted by reality and truth in all of our life.

I tend to think it is better to remain silent that speak lies hoping to hide the truth and reality. These things are like monsters, they can never be hidden by our words only our acceptance, acknowledging and humble will give us relief.

Two things I ask you yes, three things, don't deny me these before I die (Proverbs 30:7-9)

Robert Ngalu
2 July 2012

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